Latest Releases

Modified on Thu, 6 Feb at 2:25 PM

7.16.0 1/17/2025

Features -

1449 - Automated retry fetching data from source if import fails

1463 - Replay failed webhooks data, TRP will store the data that was posted through a webhook and the user will be able to run the webhook again on failure through TRP


Enhancements -

1444 - Notes field introduced in datasets

1467 - Allow filtering on failed imports

1468 - Improved Vidyo imports: Avoid limit/offset pagination

Bug fixes-

1452 - Update filling in missing intervals

7.15.0 12/23/2024

Features -

1453 - Import failure can alert a specified user

1455,56,57,59 - New dropdown, Inequality, Null and Exclude filter operators added for number column 


Enhancements -

1443 - Notes/Tags added to Imports List

1464 - Update zoom integration to only create data and not update

Bug fixes-

1450 - Sum/Avg not working for tables 

1461 - All data was being fetched simultaneously for SQL source

1465 - Too many unfinished mutations error in the user_signed_in task [Internal]

7.14.0  12/03/2024

Features -

1447 - Incremental load works without data deletion


Enhancements -

1428 - Relabeling charts merges parts with the same label

1440 - Remove custom metric widgets from the dashboard export, as it could not be imported due to those widgets

1446 - Make incremental load message clearer

Bug fixes-

1442 - Fix the timestamp of the last import run

1454 - Emailed PPTX had incorrect calculation due to timezone difference, now it selects the users timezone who sent the email 

1462 - Multiple imports running issue fixed which affected some of the clients

7.13.0  11/05/2024

Enhancements -

1419 - Support for Server-to-Server type integration for Zoom

1424 - Use PDF as a new Import Type to extract discrete data for fixed fields 

1425 - Ability to link a new Zoom Integration to an existing one

1426 - Freeze data table header 

1427 - Admin user now can clone a widget to a dashboard they did not create

1430 - Removed 100k rows restriction on imports for derived datasets (a limitation put in place to protect data load on TRP UI)

Bug fixes-

1430 - 0 months becomes NaN when updating relative datetime filter

7.12.0  10/18/2024

Enhancements - 

1414- Updated Heatmap colors when generating a PPTX. The color will be green. 

1415- Added a "Show All Data Labels" setting under the "Settings" tab, allowing users to display all chart labels. This setting applies to PDF and PPTX exports, ensuring full visibility of data labels in exported charts.

1416-For charts over fiscal year will display data from July instead of January.

1418- Added the ability to place 6 widgets in one row on the dashboard.  

1421-For full load imports, table data truncation is now delayed until successfully connecting to the data source, preventing data loss in case of connection errors.

Bug fixes-

1422- Passwords with special characters will not result in a failed connection now. 

1423- Vidyo integration imports stopped working for a client, the issue has been resolved. 

7.11.0  10/01/2024

Enhancements - 

1392- SQL database Imports support syntax highlighting for writing SQL queries

1393- Log post data webhooks + import reports deletion policy

Bug fixes-

1410- Widget filters not working in create widget 

1411- Advanced filters button not show in metric create/update modal when accessing it from the dashboard page

1412- Dashboard PDF not always generated

7.10.0  09/11/2024

New Feature -

1375- Improvement of tables in TRP.

  • This update introduces Tables with better and more consistent user experience such as pagination and improved loading indicators along with saving table state for parts that were missing earlier. 

Enhancements - 

1367- We've added the ability to disable and re-enable imports. 

  • When disabled, the import won't run but will remain visible in the list with a grey background and "disabled" status. 

  • Users can still schedule imports, but they won’t execute until re-enabled.

1368- We've refined error messages for all integrations. When testing connections:

  • If there's a connection issue, the message will now read: "Unable to connect to the data source. Please check the connection details."

  • If there's a query issue, the message will read: "Unable to execute the query. Please review the query entered."

For query issues, the first line of the error will also be shown to provide more context.

1371- We've removed the "Name Of Scheduling" field from import schedule creation, dashboard emailing, and the scheduled tasks page. 

  • Updates include reordering columns, adding "Last Run," "Scheduled," and "Last Modified" fields, and displaying the dataset name in the import schedule modal. 

Bug fixes-

1336- Fixed an internal server error when updating vidyo instance. 

7.9.0  08/14/2024

Enhancements - 

1362- Enhancement of import process by displaying inferred column datatypes next to column names in the second step. 

1361- Improvement to the error messaging for TRP DB imports. Now, the "No data present on the source" message will only appear if the query is correct but returns no data. 

Bug fixes-

1359- A particular client was facing an issue that resulted in an “Internal server error” 

1364- View metric over fields were not visible in case of old datasets. 

7.8.0  07/29/2024

We’ve tuned up the backend, making things smoother and reducing those pesky errors. You might not see the changes, but trust us—TRP just got a little bit better behind the scenes!

7.7.0  07/03/2024

New Features - 

1304- New Import Type: SFTP Import:

Introducing a new import type called "SFTP Import" to enable automated data ingestion from multiple files stored in a directory reachable via SFTP.

  1. Automated Data Ingestion: Import data files directly from an SFTP server.
  2. Simplified Setup: Easy configuration of SFTP details and file paths.
  3. Quick Import: Re-run imports effortlessly with a single click.
  4. Improved Efficiency: Streamlines data updates without manual uploads.

1315- Introducing new feature of “Stopping Imports” in TRP. 

  • Users can view "Import running" or "Import in progress" under the status column during data import.

  • A new action button to safely stop the import after completing the current chunk.

  • TRP will display chunk progress, e.g., "Progress 56/190," showing the current and total chunks.

Bug fixes-

1313-TRP DB query was not returning results when it should have for a particular client. The issue has been resolved. 

1314-  On the data page, TRP displayed data in wrong timezone for a client. 

1322- When clicking on “Create new import” with datasource as Vidyo, then clicking on Test connection the import triggered an error.

7.6.0  05/30/2024

Enhancements - 

1097- In TRP, the CSV file with markup will now display raw data in TRP tables on top of performing calculations. 

1265- Earlier in TRP, the super user did not have access to the raw data, we’ve made amends to this. 

1270- Earlier when users applied any date time filter on raw data and then exported the file, the exported file would mess up the order of data resulting in users manually fixing the data in excel. We have improved this and now users can see the exported data in the same format as on TRP.  

1275- Update to iObserver integration for a particular client. 

Bug fixes-

927- A cosmetic issue in dashboard filters resulted in the operators dropdown not displaying all operators until the user scrolls. The issue has been resolved.

1264- Duration fields were not supporting decimal value, we’ve enabled that now.  

1271- Upon drilling down to level 3 and then changing the point on the first chart, the labels appeared inaccurately. We have fixed this issue.

1305- For a particular client, the Scheduled Tasks were sending powerpoint with incorrect filters. The issue has been resolved. 

1307-  Scheduled dashboard email displays data in the wrong timezone i.e., if the tenant’s timezone is set to EST, it would display it in CST. This issue has been resolved. 

1312- Users with the “admin” type were unable to clone widgets or download PowerPoint in TRP. The issue has been fixed. 

7.5.0  05/07/2024

Enhancements - 

131- The tenant logo wasn’t visible when the user downloaded pdf. We have ensured that TRP displays the logo in each downloaded document. 

553- TRP will display the Fiscal year in drill-down option, especially for widgets that are metric over as date and time. 

1263- In TRP, clearing the search in a dashboard will clear the selected filter unless it is a default dashboard filter.

Bug fixes- 

408- Drilldown was not working in master dashboards in TRP. We have debugged and fixed the issue. 

506- Minor improvement to the displayed dashboard names in "Go to dashboard" drop down. 

944- An additional button was visible on the logs page in TRP when a saved filter was applied. The button has been removed. 

963]( CH Query Issue

1116- For a particular client, the metric query appeared to be incorrect resulting in a syntax error. The issue has been resolved. 

1126-  Fiscal Quarterly sorting stopped working, it has been fixed. 

1214- On the data page, system will now display full text even if its in double quotes. 

1250- There were some issues in the chart explanation in TRP where the system would generate confusing explanations. The issue has been resolved. 

1252- The Quick import icon in imports was disappearing when the user clicks on it one time and tries to click on it second time without refreshing the page. The issue where the icon gets hidden has been fixed. 

1258- The Column Names in Drill Down View Data contained underscore which wasn’t required by user. It has been fixed. 

1267- Some users were unable to drilldown to pie chart through a shared link of dashboard. The issue has been resolved. 

1274-In a particular scenario, the  Import in TRP was failing for empty date time columns which has now been fixed.

7.4.1  04/22/2024

Bug fixes- 

1267- Resolved an issue that didn't allow the users to drilldown pie chart from shared dashboard link. 

408- In some cases, drilldown wasn't working in master dashboards. The issue has been resolved.

1258- The column names in drilldown was not appearing accurately. The bug has been fixed.

7.4.0  04/18/2024

New Feature-

1230- In TRP we have added the ability to map x/y axis values to user-defined values was added to the settings tab in the create/update widget modal of a dashboard. This allows users to customize the displayed values on charts by replacing them with more meaningful labels. 

Enhancements - 

1236- TRP now has the widget cloning feature allowing users to clone widgets to other dashboards within the same sub dataset, with options to clone to the current dashboard or other dashboards. 

1237- TRP now has the ability that allows users to display discrete values instead of intervals in charts/tables for number columns, with improved x-axis display. 

  • TRP has a dropdown option under "view metric over" to select between intervals and discrete values, and a toggle in the drilldown panel for switching between interval charts and discrete values.

1239- Introducing a solution to address empty results in combined metric widgets when using multiple metrics and "View Metrics Over By". Users can now utilize the "Sort By" option to select a metric for sorting, ensuring accurate results that match the specified "x-category size" without any empty values.

1262- Activity log data everywhere should be sorted by descending order on time of logging

1266- Optimised the dashboard loading for a customer. 

Bug fixes- 

1045- Resolved a bug that appeared when a zoom instance was deleted. 

1139- At some places in TRP there was UI Color inconsistency in case for actions button when hovered, some improvements have been made to fix this. 

1224- For a particular client’s shared dashboard, the fiilter applied and set as default,was not showing up when external link was shared. The issue is fixed.

1235- A minor UI bug related to schedule pop-up was fixed. 

1257- TRP displayed an Internal Sever Error when editing a Scheduled Task. The issue is fixed.

1268- Exporting data with applied filter, downloaded all the data, the issue has been resolved. 

1269- Default sorting was disturbed for all charts in TRP. The issue has been fixed.

7.3.0  03/25/2024

Enhancements - 

1219- Introduce a new authentication option for webhooks, "Unique URL", allowing clients to submit data via a distinct URL linked to the corresponding dataset. 

  • This involves adding the option in the initial import step and providing functionality to generate unique URLs with a button in the final import step and from the import list page.

577- Consolidated and standardized formatting functions, removed redundant code, and addressed decimal display issues for metric values.

623- Min value <= max value, displays a message for interval value 0, we’ve removed help text under the "max value", "min value", and "interval value" fields.

1143- Minor UI improvements on filters 

  • Filters to apply across paginated table.

  • Options to "Apply filter" and "Clear filter".

  • Filter options: Username, Name, User groups, Emails.

1213- TRP will display warnings during imports  for users to view. 

1216- Adjusted the interval value popup behavior in interval charts to display only after the user finishes entering the value. 

Bug fixes- 

500- An issue was identified in TRP in which system would import all data regardless of the filter that was applied. The issue is now resolved.

1105- TRP threw several errors upon Vidyo integration, the issue has been debugged and resolved. 

1134- “Week of the day” period was missing under scheduled tasks.  

1197- For a particular client, the imports were failing. The issue is fixed. 

1240- Table header labels were appearing incorrectly in TRP. The labels are fixed now.

7.2.0  03/07/2024


1086- Earlier, Understanding analytics in TRP required technical knowledge, hindering non-technical users. 

Introducing a groundbreaking feature leveraging ChatGPT to explain SQL queries in plain English, providing non-technical users with deeper insights into their data.

Key Benefits:

  • Simplify analytics comprehension by translating SQL queries into understandable language.

  • Address challenges such as missing context by incorporating dataset descriptions.

  • Ensure data privacy by obfuscating filter options and sensitive information.

915- Introduce Single Sign-On (SSO) with SAML 2.0 as a key addition to TRP! With this feature, users can now enable SSO on a per-tenant basis, providing seamless authentication for enhanced security and convenience.

Key Benefits:

  • Enable SSO easily from the admin interface on a per-tenant level.

  • Simplify user authentication with SP-initiated and IdP-initiated SSO flows.

  • Enhance user management with automated account creation and attribute mapping.

  • Ensure compliance and security with enforced user creation limits and attribute-based admin assignments.

  • Streamline setup with comprehensive documentation and embedded setup guides.

Enhancements - 

1206- Made a few improvements, TRP will only export necessary fields for dashboard templates when imported.

1221- In TRP we’ve added a “Percentage” option to the format dropdown when creating or updating a metric.

1222- In the create widget modal, when the settings tab is disabled, TRP will display a “No settings available” tooltip along with disabling such button. 

1201- Upon page refresh post-import, new entities weren’t visible. We made a few changes at the backend to make sure the issue doesn’t appear again. 

Bug fixes- 

1162- For a particular metric, TRP was displaying .0 with an integer. The issue is fixed. 

1215- TRP displayed “user does not exist” while logging user activity. The issue is fixed now.

1225- Drilldown on monthly x-axis errors out, the issue is fixed. 

1226- Vidyo Instance creation was displaying an error. The issue is fixed.

1227- When applying the query to filter out data, the passed data from query wasn’t being displayed. The issue is resolved.

1228- An incorrect message was being displayed when the user clicked on “Create dashboard message”. 

1229- Removed empty PDF page when there are no metric widgets in dashboards

1233- Edit selected metric wasn’t re-directing to exact metric info page. The issue is fixed now. 

1234- Shared Dashboards weren’t working. The issue is fixed.

7.1.0  02/15/2024


1193- TRP now includes Weekly and "Week of the year" options under the time period dropdown.

Weekly time periods adhere to the US standard, starting on Sunday, with Week 1 containing the first Sunday of the year.

Enhancements - 

1170- Small improvement in User experience by adding the functionality of re-directing the user to the dashboard screen when no dashboard exists against a dataset. 

1175- The downloading options are embedded again for high charts. 

Bug fixes- 

1115- The tags had inconsistent behavior in TRP Database import. This is now fixed. 

1186- Resolved an issue where clicking "Import Details" in the Vidyo instances list page displayed all import reports linked to the datasource rather than showing only those linked to the specific Vidyo instance. 

1187-Fixed the timezone labeling error where "US/Eastern" was incorrectly labeled as Eastern Standard Time (EST). 

1189- For a particular client, we fixed an issue where Vidyo data was not imported into TRP post-migration despite existing in the data source

1192, 1200 - TRP was throwing internal server error for some clients, the issue was resolved. 

1204- The import process encountered failures with ambiguous datetimes during conversion to US/Eastern time, leading to import errors. The issue was resolved.

1220- Scheduled Task list failed displaying tables. The issue is resolved. 



1124- TRP now offers improved context awareness for Clickhouse data with the following updates:

  1. Field Context Mapping: Users can select field context during imports, including options like County, Zip, and State, streamlining data handling.

  2. Map Widget Creation: The "View Metric Over" field now displays selected fields, simplifying map widget creation.

  3. State Selection: Users can now select the state against the county when creating widgets, expanding customization options.

Enhancements - 

1147, 1148- Some internal improvements at backend. 

Bug fixes- 

1104- Minor improvements in the Imports and Integration section.

1142- After migrating to clickhouse, TRP was displaying .0 in every chart post against integer value. This is now fixed. 

1166- Upon saving labels in new imports V2, TRP was throwing error for specific clients. The issue was debugged and fixed in this release. 


Enhancements - 

1055- Minor design improvements have been made: 

1- Improved the UI of “column visibility” dropdown. 

2- Consolidate the action buttons in imports. 

3- Some cosmetic changes in the “Scheduled tasks” page have been made. 

1066- For ease of use while integrating Vidyo, we’ve added an integration guide of Vidyo.

1069- Users will now be able to access their recently opened dashboard, as TRP dashboard list has a new column that will allow the user to see their “Last accessed” dashboard, making it easier for them to sort and identify their most used dashboards. 

Bug fixes- 

497- TRP was throwing “Internal Server Error” on saving import configuration where there’s no data. The issue is fixed. 

803- Heatmap had two issues that are now fixed: 

1- The heatmap sorting was starting with friday instead of sunday. 

2- The Powerpoint download for heatmaps wasn’t working properly. 

954- The datetime filter while creating widgets wasn’t working, this has been fixed. 

1063- We identified that “Sort by” filters in the dashboard list weren’t working properly, it has been fixed.

1089- Pie charts for multiple metrics when "view metric over" is set have been disabled. 

Bug fixes- 

1045- Resolved a

Bug fixes- 

1045- Resolved a

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