1124- TRP now offers improved context awareness for Clickhouse data with the following updates:
Field Context Mapping: Users can select field context during imports, including options like County, Zip, and State, streamlining data handling.
Map Widget Creation: The "View Metric Over" field now displays selected fields, simplifying map widget creation.
State Selection: Users can now select the state against the county when creating widgets, expanding customization options.
Enhancements -
1147, 1148- Some internal improvements at backend.
Bug fixes-
1104- Minor improvements in the Imports and Integration section.
1142- After migrating to clickhouse, TRP was displaying .0 in every chart post against integer value. This is now fixed.
1166- Upon saving labels in new imports V2, TRP was throwing error for specific clients. The issue was debugged and fixed in this release.
Enhancements -
1055- Minor design improvements have been made:
1- Improved the UI of “column visibility” dropdown.
2- Consolidate the action buttons in imports.
3- Some cosmetic changes in the “Scheduled tasks” page have been made.
1066- For ease of use while integrating Vidyo, we’ve added an integration guide of Vidyo.
1069- Users will now be able to access their recently opened dashboard, as TRP dashboard list has a new column that will allow the user to see their “Last accessed” dashboard, making it easier for them to sort and identify their most used dashboards.
Bug fixes-
497- TRP was throwing “Internal Server Error” on saving import configuration where there’s no data. The issue is fixed.
803- Heatmap had two issues that are now fixed:
1- The heatmap sorting was starting with friday instead of sunday.
2- The Powerpoint download for heatmaps wasn’t working properly.
954- The datetime filter while creating widgets wasn’t working, this has been fixed.
1063- We identified that “Sort by” filters in the dashboard list weren’t working properly, it has been fixed.
1089- Pie charts for multiple metrics when "view metric over" is set have been disabled.
Enhancements -
1068- Since we no longer utilise “vidyo user groups” , its been removed from TRP.
1107- To enhance user experience, we’ve made some improvements to our landing pages, that will now allow the user to choose between actions and get started in a click.
Bug fixes-
1108- The x-axis displayed incorrect sorting against quarterly charts. This has been fixed now.
1060- For a better user experience, we have moved the Integrations and Imports option out of the administration and made it available in one click for the user i.e., it's now accessible through the navbar.
1061- Since TRP is evolving, we identified a user experience problem, that new users encountered after new integration, locating the newly auto-created dashboards seemed complicated.
- We've introduced a user-friendly enhancement to streamline the experience. After each integration (such as Vidyo, Zoom, and MS Teams) or edit, users can now easily locate their auto-created dashboards with a single click using the new "Go to Dashboard" button.
- This improvement ensures a more straightforward and intuitive navigation process, enhancing your overall workflow efficiency.
836, 892- We’ve tried adding value for customers by enhancing the experience of Vidyo Integrations, allowing users to control the scheduling of import runs while creating a vidyo instance along with some internal optimization generally for Vidyo import.
837- Upon creating vidyo instance, TRP will auto-create dashboards for users and allow them to re-direct to their new dashboards. This will allow users to get started right away with data analysis without manually creating dashboards.
997- We’ve streamlined the data representation by making some modifications to the import flow, by converting existing missing values, and removal of the "is empty" filter for enhanced clarity. Now, missing values in string fields are uniformly represented as the database null value.
1054- We’ve hidden the scheduling options for Zoom, MS Teams, and Webhook imports. Since data is pushed to TRP, scheduling is not applicable.
1081- For a specific migrated client, some filters weren’t available, we’ve worked on that.
1084- We have enabled users to customize the field label for specific metrics in tables with multiple metrics. Users can now control the display label in the 'Settings' of charts.
1085- Metrics with no values are now displayed in the chart/table, preventing confusion about the absence of data for those metrics. Users will now see all selected metrics, even if some have zero values under certain conditions.
1095- While running imports, TRP ignored the ill-formatted data which confused users. Now we’ve made sure that TRP represents such data by replacing value with NaT or NaN, so that it's well communicated with users that data has issues that may need their attention.
1096- Date-time conversions were failing for timezones in data while importing. We’ve replaced the argument to UTC=True, ensuring accurate processing of data that includes timezone information.
Bug Fixes-
955- greater than and lower than filters were not working as expected for DateTime fields, the issue has been fixed.
1052- users were unable to email dashboards, the issue has been resolved.
1075](https://telehealthmgt.atlassian.net/browse/TRPSB-1075) Bug in Old DateTime Difference Metrics
1079- Dashboard filters weren’t being applied correctly once the user applied filters and then reset it to use another filter. The issue has been fixed now.
1080- For a heatmap, TRP wasn’t able to download PowerPoint. The issue has been fixed.
1090- In a certain scenario, the “download as standard PowerPoint” was visible in TRP. The issue has been fixed.
965- We’ve made enhancements to TRP's data import functionality including introducing an "always create" option under incremental load.
- This update allows users to select no unique identifier field when 'Full Load' is unchecked, ensuring data is always created and never updated in scenarios without a unique ID.
968- This enhancement involves allowing the setup of webhook imports with Basic Authentication, enabling integration with services that support webhooks using Basic Auth.
- This includes adding an 'Auth Type' field with options for Basic Authentication and TRP API User-Based Authentication.
- When option 'b' is selected, a dropdown of TRP API Users will be displayed.
- For option 'a', fields for 'username' and 'password' will be shown for Basic Auth configuration.
923- For some cases, the pie chart, line chart, bar, and column charts had minor ordering issues with the axis, especially around date time. In this release, we’ve made sure to debug and fix these issues thoroughly.
1039- Changes of email address used to send out emails from TRP’s support account. It’ll be sent from [email protected].
1065- Since migrating clients is in progress, we’ve created Dashboards and metrics for one of our clients.
1020- We’ve made modifications to Vidyo pagination the updated process ensures that with every iteration (chunk), TRP retrieves a consistent 50k records from Vidyo, regardless of the CallID consistency.
Bug Fixes-
537- Metric Type with Decimal values had Sorting issues such as when sorting based on the month of the year or Day of the week. The issue has been fixed.
666- Import_id FIlter wasn’t working in as expected. The issue has been fixed.
694- On the dashboard when the user selects and unselects the filter, it appears as selected. The issue has been fixed.
723- The drill down for interval charts wasn’t working. Fixed it.
816-Small UI improvement by making all filters the same color.
843- The widget name appeared as undefined instead of untitled by default.
856-Filter wasn’t being applied on shared dashboards. The issue has been fixed.
928- Earlier TRP wasn’t displaying all datasets under an entity. We’ve made sure all datasets appear now.
929- After selecting the “breakdown by”, then proceeding to drill-down for a chart, TRP displayed “undefined”. We’ve fixed the issue now.
960- In Vidyo, the fields ‘to user’, ‘to client’ and ‘from user’, ‘from client’ appeared as null in the conference. The issue is fixed.
980- An improvement for DateTime Fields is when exported in Excel where the field will appear in a way that Excel doesn’t auto-detect it.
1023- When refining the time range search, data wasn’t filtered properly. The issue has been resolved.
1049- Removed pagination for dashboards and Sub-datasets so that TRP now displays all dashboards and sub-datasets rather than limiting them.
1057- A particular user gets an error of 404, the issue is fixed.
1075- There was a Bug in Old DateTime Difference Metrics. The issue is fixed.
1076- Default dashboard redirection was missing source ID. The issue is fixed.
New Features-
964- Enhancing Multiple Metrics Charts: Users can now create charts from multiple metrics without needing to select the "View Metric Over" field only for new metric types.
Chart Types: The available chart types include Table, Bar, Column, and Pie charts.
Support in Standard pptx: The standard PowerPoint file format now includes the ability to create the multiple metrics chart.
Hidden Drill Down Button: The Drill Down button has been hidden since there is no field selected for "View Metric Over."
Disabled Settings Button: Under the Configurations, the Settings button has been disabled, restricting access to features such as Sorting, Transpose, and Hide Data Labels.
967- We've added a feature that enables users to obtain device status notifications from Vidyo using webhook-style imports.
- Users can now choose between 'Basic Authentication' and 'TRP API User Based Authentication.' When opting for 'Basic Authentication,' fields for 'username' and 'password' are available.
873- We have streamlined the Quick Import process by allowing the use of the query editor without the need to specify the base datasets.
The cursor is now positioned after the selected column, enhancing the query-building experience.
919- Enhanced data management for third-party systems allows CSV data uploads and import type changes, streamlining data corrections and updates.
947, 948, 949, 950, 951- Streamlined and upgraded zoom integration by moving their data to ClickHouse.
986- A new integration type for zoom users in the import add/edit page.
Bug Fixes-
524- An issue was identified in which when the Time Zone was changed, it wasn’t being applied correctly to the relative date. The issue has been fixed now.
962- In some cases the Drilldown wasn’t loading, the issue has been fixed now.
987- An issue where null values did not display as expected. The issue is fixed, ensuring that null values are clearly labeled as "Null."
999- A minor UI update has been made ensuring that the buttons do not hide behind dropdowns or filters in case of pop-ups in TRP.
1035- An issue with table charts was fixed where it was earlier showing data in an incorrect column when a csv was downloaded.
New Features-
TSIM Iframe into TRP:
914- For the customers who use both TSIM and TRP, we’ve introduced a new feature that will allow them to access both platforms from the same place.
The “Go to TSIM” button will take users to TSIM keeping the same URL.
772- Quick Import which did not apply to certain imports is not removed, e.g. in webhooks, zoom and MS teams.
936, 937, 938, 939, 940, 941, 942, 979 - Streamlined zoom integration. Removed current zoom dataset for meetings and participants.
Bug Fixes-
474- When a linked dataset is deleted, its scheduled tasks will also be deleted now.,
815- Imports were failing for Boolean values, the issue has been fixed.
912- Dashboard tabs with default dashboards were opening old ones too, even when the entity of default dashboard was clicked , the issue has been fixed.
916- Due to an internal semantic error, when multiple imports were running Vidyo Integration seemed to display an incorrect error message. This has been fixed now.
926- For average and sum, the formatting was not applied to table rows. The issue has been fixed.
943- For a Shared link the Powerpoint of the dashboard wasn’t downloaded. This issue has been fixed.
946- TRP was displaying incorrect numbers of Users and also the issue occurred when creating metrics. This has been fixed.
952- After updating the last v6.23 SQL Server Imports were failing for users. This has been fixed.
953-Marking the filter as default was throwing an internal server error. This has been fixed.
957 - Internal Server Error was appearing for a specific client. The issue was fixed at highest priority.
961- ‘Not’ operator filters out all the NULLs resulting in no data. The issue has been fixed.
966- Upon downloading the Raw-data in drill down it displayed original field names and not labels. The issue is fixed.
New Features-
Security Updates:
671- To increase security, TRP now allows users to whitelist specific IP addresses from accessing TRP.
893, 894- Setting up the AWS config and installation of Antivirus/Malware scanner to auto run scanning and generate reports for users.
895- TRP will display the limit of read/admin users in the Users page
899- TRP now allows users to create Graphs by Fiscal Quarterly
832- Improving the appearance of Standard Powerpoint in TRP by:
- Changing the font size and styles.
- Removing empty columns.
- Improvement of color coding.
842- TRP now empowers the Users to Drag, Rearrange, and Lock Order of Dashboard Tabs.
880- Enhanced Column Naming for Improved User Clarity in TRP Imports from ClickHouse.
TRP now consistently displays ClickHouse column labels for enhanced user clarity during imports.
888- Improving the dashboard in TRP by:
- Improving the size and style of the font in the filters section.
- Improving the appearance of date time filters, the operator filter, and the buttons
908- Display percentage sign in pie chart and formatted values in heatmap.
913- Removed the “save and run import” button since it is no longer being used.
Bug Fixes-
881- Standard powerpoint showed "0" as the label when the label’s an empty string. The issue has been fixed.
887- Quick import wasn’t working for vidyo, the issue has been fixed.
889- Removed the ability to send email from shared dashboards
906- Multiple metrics weren't working for old metrics, the issue has been fixed.
907- datetime order in chart wasn’t displaying in proper format. The issue has been fixed.
New Features-
773- Introducing the "TRP Database" imports. This feature enables users to create extracts from existing TRP datasets securely and efficiently.
- Choose "TRP Database" option in "Select Data Source" dropdown
766- TRP users will now be able to create graphs by quarterly.
Vidyo Integration Updates
829- Re-designed the vidyo data update for Vidyo import in which TRP will now bring the historical data in first time load and each successive load will bring new data based of latest data timestamp
828- Vidyo Import UI Update has been done in which TRP has disabled the full load button for Vidyo Import
Renamed the Import’s step 2 to “Settings”.
And for the ease of users, the CallID and ImportID will be auto selected as unique identifiers
Other Enhancements
831- In standard Powerpoint the labels of x and y-axis have been fixed.
839- Improved how the x-axis labels appeared in drill-downed charts as it will now display the data column used for drill down by instead of carrying the first chart’s name.
840- For a better UX, we’ve updated the icon appearance in TRP for third party apps.
854- For Table Widgets, TRP will display a warning for number of rows being limited to x-category size.
The user can change the limit of x category from the “X-Category size” field under the “Setting” tab when creating the table widget.
Bug fixes-
818- Deleted or unavailable Dataset Dashboards will not appear for users now.
822- A Dropdown displayed incorrect number of filtered items, the issue has been fixed.
855- When cloning a dashboard, table widgets were not displaying any data in the cloned dashboard. The issue has been fixed.
885- An additional ‘$’ sign was appearing in Standard PPTX values when dollar sign formatting is used, this has been fixed now.
739- For better usability and ease of access, we’ve added a zoom integration guide for users in TRP.
790- Ensure Metric Types are Accessible to Multi-tenant Users Only.
807-TRP will now auto- retry the request in case of failed imports after 5 minutes of timeout for RedCap imports
844- Table widget will be visible in advanced PPTX.
848- The new transpose table had some issues in formatting , we identified and fixed them.
Bug fixes-
799- When making a request to an endpoint for a different tenant, the response included user data with null values. The issue has been resolved.
806- An issue with uploading the CSV file while migrating data to Clickhouse has been fixed.
808- In advanced filters, When applying the greater than operator with 0 input, it does not let it add to the filter conditions, the issue has been fixed.
813- A standard powerpoint failure issue was fixed.
814- An error that occurred due to an internal issue on shared dashboard links is fixed. .
820- An issue with a logic in advanced filters which failed to render is fixed.
825- The Drill down was failing because of FloatField Breakdown Charts are fixed now.
853- On the shared dashboards, the Right sidebar dropdowns stopped working, this has been fixed.
861- Standard powerpoint generated internal server error, the issue has been fixed.
862- Pagination was not working for clickhouse, the issue has been resolved.
869- Issue with date time formatting has been fixed.
New features-
640- Addition of a new feature which allows admins to view logs of all important activities performed in TRP.
642, 645, 749- Added logging for CRUD events on various components including imports, schedules, datasets, sub-datasets, metric types, metrics, filters, widgets, dashboards, and dashboard items.
Show tracking for user-related events such as login, logout, and unsuccessful login attempts.
Introduced the ability to share dashboards and email them.
Improved capture and analytics capabilities for import events, schedule tasks, user/user group management, accounts, datasets, dashboards, widgets, data views, saved filters, metrics, metric types, sub-datasets, tenants, and Zoom instance integrations.
750- Introducing Microsoft Teams integration. In the TRP, under administration section, we’ve added the option to create an Instance of MS Teams that will allow users to create, update, and delete functionality for MS Teams instances.
794- Under the Table type widget, the user will be able to:
- Transpose Table
- Calculate either sum of all the contents of the table or average the numbers on a table
794- Table is now added as a widget
742- Improved the Vidyo Import performance by optimizing a queries
768- The tab order wasn’t consistent every time the user refreshed the page
769- Previously, users were unable to set the "Manage Database" page as their home URL, to improve usability a solution has been implemented which allows users to set the "Manage Database" page as their home URL and ensures that their intended destination is preserved.
Bug Fixes-
767- Graphs had some discrepancy in value at certain points, the issue is fixed now.
770- An issue with pulling Table Data has been fixed.
779- Master Dashboard was throwing an internal server error, the issue has been fixed.
791- An issue with Import Edits not working for redcap and non-csv types is fixed.
793- Fixed the issues in User Search in User Groups.
798- Users were experiencing a recurring issue where the Freshdesk pop-up which would appear repeatedly while navigating through different pages. The issue has been fixed.
New features
718- Microsoft Teams Integration-
Microsoft Teams is now integrated with TRP and users will be analyze Teams data
735- Enhanced TRP Tables by
Introducing the ability to flip rows and columns
Update pdf and pptx show tables correctly
Remove toggle button from chart widget to convert chart to table
Add a table widget type and enable table preview in the visualization box
753-Migration scripts to migrate data to TRP datawarehouse
Bug Fixes-
674- Fixed the Error email report from shared dashboard
754- The issue with the Shift operator filter not working for clickhouse has been fixed.
755- Drill Down charts weren’t loading properly, it has been fixed.
761- We encountered an issue where the graph was occasionally failing to render. We’ve fixed the interval values being sent which resolved this issue
764- Issue with Pie chart failing to display is fixed
443- Switched Zoom to OAuth App based Integration as Webhook app is sunsetting
564- Created a Vidyo import in Import 2.0,
Updated the method for retrieving updated data
Implemented incremental load with combined unique fields, and assumed UTC time zone for date and time fields
587- Addition of automatic logout feature after 30 minutes of inactivity, redirecting the user to the login page
610- Ability to customize the timezone during the import process
704- Minor improvements to the logout pop-up and some responsiveness improvement to the buttons.
707- TRP will display a notification to users who do not have the permission to export the data.
Bug Fixes-
683- Fixed the following issue with Clickhouse :
In Graphs the, the fields in “View metric over” seemed to be routed to deprecated endpoints
Issue in “Go to Data” button
Missing dashboard filters
Non-functional drill down
719- Fixed the missing filters while exporting data.
6.17.0 04/28/2023
- 542- TRP Imports can handle added/deleted fields in source data
- Deleted fields are no longer expected during successive imports
- Deleted fields are kept to preserve the old data (users will not be able to delete them yet)
- Added fields are highlighted during the import process
- 586- Clicking on schedule in imports now show all the scheduled tasks for any import.
- One import can have only one hourly task at max.
- 697- A minor change to the “delete” buttons.
- 703- TRP will display fields labels in drill down chart’s data.
Bug Fixes
- 540- A data Drill down issue with Clickhouse is fixed.
- 622- Fixed implementation of the Banner for 'Full Load', the status of import should only depend on the last import for a 'Full load' style import
- 673- Fixed the Interval calculation Syntax Error.
- 702- Fixed the issue of continuous loading when user clicks on details button in imports.
- 705- Fixed the non-functional Delete button in imports.
- 706- An issue with blank page which occurred on clicking the edit button in imports is fixed.
6.16.0 04/28/2023
New feature
- 621- The feature enhances the drill down functionality for analytics users.
- Added a "View Data" option to allow users to see the raw data feeding into a chart.
- Users can view data in a simple table format and Users can export data as well.
- 74 - Introducing formatting when dealing with time durations in minutes
- 406 - Enabling exporting and importing dashboards with the same dataset, assuming same fields, metric types, and data warehouse
- 563, 564 - Migration script for Vidyo to data warehouse
- 580 - Allow more scheduling options for imports, including hourly runs with frequency options (e.g. every 5 minutes) and time offsets to avoid system overload
- 633- UI fix of buttons in metric types list.
- 618- The Import Report Details page has been updated to show 10 rows per page, with pagination, to improve user experience when there are a large number of imports.
Bug Fixes
- 639- Multiple metrics Charts were failing
- 667- An issue that occurred while Filtering on datetime was appearing which was including the next month values has been fixed.
- 601- Added a filter on labels to keep only alphanumeric characters in charts to ensure the bar charts appear properly.
6.15.5 04/10/2023
Bug Fixes
- 663- The monthly drill down displayed next day’s data which isn’t was a standard. We’ve fixed it now.
- 664- An issue with filters was causing an infinite loader, we’ve fixed the issue
6.15.4 04/05/2023
Bug Fixes
- 661- Labels were a month off for charts, the issue is fixed.
- 662- Imports were failing for multiple clients, we’ve fixed this issue.
6.15.3 04/05/2023
Bug Fixes
- 658- Certain data in metric fields was causing empty charts as a result. The issue is now fixed.
6.15.2 04/05/2023
Bug Fixes
- 637- Each table cell in data view will display 20 characters
6.15.1 04/05/2023
Bug Fixes
- 607- The drilldown button went missing, the issue is fixed now the users will be able to utilise it.
- 612- Earlier upon using the "NOT" filter in charfield the system wouldn't render the filter. We've fixed this issue.
- 625- Exports were failing for some clients when adding all fields, we've fixed this issue.
6.15.0 03/30/2023
- 412- Interval Calculation \(Buckets\) for New Metrics - Users can now view input settings for int, float, or number fields in metric view.
- 589-User will be able to see their last login i.e., when they signed-in last to TRP.
Bug Fixes
- 600-Fixed the internal server error with imports in MySQL and SQL.
- 616- Filter Searching is showing duplicate results if more than one option is selected
- 484- Fixed the order of items in standard powerpoint
6.14.0 03/10/2023
- 494- Added support for Incremental load. Now DW accepts incremental load based on a unique data column. This column is used to recognize data that needs updating vs. creation
- 538- Dashboard Clear Filter button will not clear the applied saved filter but only clear the form or any temporary filters brought from the data view
- 551- Default import field type will be string instead of date time resolving a lot of import issues
- 319- TRP will prevent import start if table is not created in DW
Bug Fixes
- 432- Downloaded PowerPoint formatting is now consistent with the dashboard charts
- 527- Fixed the Timezone which always displayed in UTC vs the set Timezone in the data view
- 530- Fixed the incorrect fiscal label format for DW, it was showing Yearly format previously
- 543- Fixed Quick Import when providing a csv file, the data from the provided csv file will be imported now rather the file used at the time of import creation
- 550- Fixed the appearance of double quotes when the user goes from “is empty” to “starts with” while filtering the data
- 552- Under certain conditions, the saved filter was not displaying the correct value. This issue is now fixed
- 554- Fixed the issue that appeared during drilling down on a yearly chart that displayed the first day of the following year.
6.13.0 02/21/2023
Bug Fixes
- 535- Fixed the Internal server error which appeared on editing a widget.
- 539 - Saved Filters from one dashboard were appearing on the other dashboard, we’ve fixed this.
- 490- Fixed internal bugs for complicated filters.
6.12.0 02/07/2023
- 507- Fixed the UI of widgets to allow users to access widget settings even if the charts are still loading.
- 508 Enhanced the UX of charts by adding :
- Color options for the charts
- Defined chart gird/ resizing naming conventions.
- 509- Revamped the functionality of quick chart button in widgets.
- 534 An Api to Create a zoom user on sign in if its not already created.
Bug Fixes
- 502- Fixed the corner cases in which charts break down
- 525- Fixed the issue with saving Zoom QOS.
- 529- Month of Year were not working in Old Metrics , the issue is fixed.
- 532-Fixed the issue with Boolean Advanced Filter not Rendering
6.11.0 01/19/2023
461- Making imports banner work on dashboard that displays the status of imports for data warehouse (clickhouse) dataset
- When the user clicks on the icon it also displays the history logs for import.
486- Added webhook validation for Zoom webhooks
447- Improve performance for loading dashboards and data by cutting down on duplicate requests
396- General availability to move clients to utilize SQL Interface metrics
463- Fixed the redcap import issue
481- Fixed issues getting data for zoom participants and QoS
343- Fixed the sorting of new metric widget according to days of week and Month of the year
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